Gratitude Prompts
Gratitude is a frame of mind that puts everything in your life into a positive perspective. There is no doubt that expressing appreciation for what you already have puts you in a place to receive even more things to be grateful for. Building your awareness of gratitude is a skill that requires a small (but significantly powerful) amount of mindfulness and can easily fit into your everyday. You can either mentally take note of the things you are grateful for or write a list out on paper.
Here are some prompts to help you move into an attitude of gratitude:
1. What made you smile today?
2. What is one thing you love about yourself?
3. How do you show gratitude to your friends?
4. What made you laugh today?
5. What do you like about the current season?
6. What is the best thing that happened today?
7. What is something beautiful you saw recently?
8. What do you like about where you live?
9. What do you have that gave you comfort today?
10. What challenge are you grateful for?
11. What is something you love in nature?
12. A kindness that someone has done for you?
13. What do you love about a friend?
14. What spiritual gifts are you grateful for?
15. What about your home are you grateful for?
16. What do you love about your parents?
17. What memory are you most grateful for?
18. Name something in the room that you are grateful for.
19. What is your proudest accomplishment?
20.What painful experience has helped you to grow?
21. In what ways have you grown from painful challenges?
22.What knowledge are you grateful for?
23.What is the best gift you received?
24.What or who made you smile today?
25.What risk are you most grateful for having taken?
26.What do you like about your job?
27.The three people that have had a positive effect on your life.
28.What opportunities are you grateful for?
29.What are you grateful for in your significant other?
30.Describe a piece of positive news you recently heard?
31. What positive changes in your personality have happened in the past year?