Stress Continuum Worksheet Using in the Stress Continuum Model
The Stress Continuum is a great tool for identifying how you experience the world. Only when
we are able to identify our current state can we move toward a future, desired state.
A downloadable / printable version worksheet is available here.
Look at the model. Where are you on the scale?
Don’t overthink - just read the descriptions and choose what comes up. You don’t have to feel 10 out of 10 to be green. Write it down.
Next, think about what rejuvenates you, pulling you toward the green? Which thoughts, activities, people, and behaviors move you in this direction? Write them down.
If you’re feeling impacted by present circumstances, refer to this continuum from Responder Alliance, modified in response to COVID-19
What pulls you toward the red? The thoughts, circumstances, people, and feelings?
Sit quietly for a couple of minutes. How do you act and what are you doing when you are really green? Consider your demeanor, sleep, energy, state of mind.
Do the same things for orange. How much are you drinking? How and what are you eating? How is your family and social life?
Benefits of the Stress Continuum
Provides a positive vision to move towardCommunication, understanding and connection
What color are you? What’s behind that?
What moves you on the continuum?